The dating world has changed, and there is no going back. In fact, when it comes to social interactions, our lives today are coming to resemble our lives twenty years ago less and less, as social media takes an ever firmer hold of us, seeping into everything that we do, permeating all of our relationships. To some people, this change is something to be celebrated. We are more connected than ever before, never more than a few keystrokes away from any of our acquaintances. To other people, however, dating has in a large way been ruined, transformed into a minefield littered with people who are addicted to “twifing” (Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook just to name a few).
At Twifless, we feel your pain. We know that social media usage is one of the gauges against which you judge your potential mates, and we want to make it easier for you to find someone who is compatible in that area. The first and only matchmaking dating app that is based largely upon social media usage, Twifless uses a “Twifometer” algorithm that compares your interests and hobbies with other users’ interests and hobbies and emphasizes the time that you each spend on social media.
In a way, we are like Tinder. We offer instant proximity dating, and you may receive random photos of singles in your area who are interested in an instant connection. Once you click on a photo, you will have the opportunity to chat online and set something up.
The Twifometer is super simple. You just check off all of the boxes that encompass your range of interests and hobbies, along with the amount of time (5 hours, 3 hours, less than 1 hour, etc.) that you are comfortable with someone using the Internet. That’s it. Everything else, we take care of with our computers.
Above all else, our goal is to create romantic opportunities that will lead to long-term commitment. While we have planned out our launch extensively, we are short on the funds that we need to make this project a real success. That’s where you come in, Kickstarter. We are turning to you, friends, for help raising $5,000. These funds will cover the costs of developing and launching Twifless. Eventually, we plan on raising enough capital to cover the costs of a commercial spot at Super Bowl LI on February 5, 2017, reaching millions and millions of potential users and getting the Twifless brand out there and on people’s minds. Ok, ok, ok, what’s wrong with thinking BIG! All contributions are appreciated. We thank you for your time.